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Beam is an OLED Button Maker for Everyone
December 17, 2017 A startup that says it wants to spark conversations between strangers has launched Beam, a wearable OLED button that displays anything and it can be updated as often as desired. Beam has a 400×400 pixel 24-bit color AMOLED display, and supports GIFs and slideshows as well as static images. It claims a battery-life of 24 hours. A companion app allows design buttons, pull photos from a phone or the web, download buttons designed by other Beam owners and more. The combination of the BEAM device and app provides a new platform to make a positive impact, and help spread the word about things they care about. There’s also a built-in panic function. Pressing and holding the function button for ten seconds will send an emergency message and a map link of your location to up to four recipients. The company’s vision is that messages displayed on the badge will spark interesting conversations. The badge costs $99, which includes three ways to attach it to clothing or bag: magnets, hard case pin and handbag strap accessory. Figure 1: Beam’s OLED Button Source: Company
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Barry Young